About Us

We are a professional photography studio established since 2003. Our founder Raymond Ho was graduated from VTC CERTIFICATE IN PHOTOGRAPHY in 1997, since then he was working as a photographer in different medias till 2003. He didn't only turn photography from interest to his professionalism, but also bring the joy of photography to his customers. Raymond Ho insist to bring this joyful intention through photography to his customers, to make his customers smile every time they review the photos.

我們為一所攝影製作公司,建立於2003年。本公司負責人Raymond Ho 在1997年畢業於VTC的一年制全日攝影課程。在1997年至2003年曾於多間傳媒機構從事攝影工作,不僅將攝影由興趣變為職業,更將攝影的喜悅帶給他的客人。對於攝影的堅持是要每位客人每次翻看相片時都會心微笑。我們相信相片能將攝影師的心意帶到欣賞者的心中。

Raymond Ho: